Early Learning and Care Associations in Alberta

by | Jun 14, 2023 | Educators, Parents

Whether you’re a parent or an educator, as part of your experience with licensed childcare in Alberta, you’ll encounter various of associations and acronyms.

It can be a little confusing, so we’ve made this post to explain the different associations pertaining to child care (specifically family day homes) in Alberta.

(Note – this list is not exhaustive as there may be some associations / memberships not included here. Please feel free to contact us with questions)

In alphabetical order:

AECEA = Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta

Formerly known as ACCA (Alberta Child Care Association), AECEA “is a non-profit member-based society that advocates for higher educational standards, wages, system support, and better working conditions for those in the early childhood education landscape.”

Individual educators can apply to be members to gain access to educational resources, discounts, support, and networking as well as add their voice and support to the AECEA initiatives.

This association is focused on individual educators, NOT on programs, daycares, and agencies.


AFCCA = Alberta Family Child Care Association

AFCCA is an association of licensed family day home agencies that works to “promote and advance quality child care for all contracted licensed family day home programs in Alberta through education, collaboration, and support.”

The AFCCA is contracted with Alberta Children & Family Services and actively works with the government towards high quality, regulated, family childcare programs. You may have a big yellow sign in your window – and that’s courtesy of the AFCCA

Membership is optional. If your agency is a member of the AFCCA, then you as a day home program Educator are automatically a member. Calgary & Region Family Day Homes has been part of this association since the 1980s!

The AFCCA is split up into regional chapters across the province. Your local Calgary & Area AFCCA actively works to advocate for awareness and support for licensed family childcare. Most regions have routine/monthly meetings where Agency Directors meet to discuss common challenges and supports.

This is also the association that makes the annual ‘Educator Conference’ (You Make a Difference Conference) happen every year.

The provincial association works in much the same way as the regional chapters, but instead of directly supporting educators they often focus on supporting Agency Consultants (there is an annual consultant conference just like the different regions have their educator conferences)

Provincial https://afcca.ca/

Local to Calgary https://calgarychildcare.org/

CCCF = Canadian Child Care Federation

The CCCF is a national, non-profit, charitable organization that promotes the Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) profession across Canada. They are leaders in improving the field nationwide through research, advocacy, and policy recommendations.

Similar to the AFCCA, but on a national level. Both individual educators and organizations can be members of the CCCF. All AFCCA members and all AECEA members are automatically members of the CCCF.



Embolden is a private support network for day home educators. This is open to ALL educators, whether they are contracted with a licensed agency or operating independently. Similar to AECEA, it offers membership benefits like discounts, access to educational resources, and support network to help guide day homes through the unique aspects of their day home business.

They also offer assistance to parents in terms of guidance for choosing child care as well as a member directory to help parents find day homes near them. However, unlike an agency, they do not conduct in-home monitoring or inspections, maintain provincial standards of care, etc.

Are we missing information on a particular child care association? Please feel free to contact us so we can add it to this article!